Focused Shockwave
Myofascial Compression Therapy with PiezoWave2T Technology
Welcome to the future, welcome to the world of Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT) with PiezoWave2T. This groundbreaking advancement in the science of shockwave technology is a revolutionary approach to pain management and healing based on science.
Think of MyACT as similar to a deep tissue massage, but supercharged. Using sound waves directed with pinpoint accuracy, MyACT has the ability to delve deep into your body’s tissues with surgical precision. Think of it like surgery on damaged tissue but without cutting through healthy tissue. When these acoustic waves target specific areas, they stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, promoting increased blood flow and cellular activity. This results in not just temporary relief, but a holistic healing process that addresses the root cause of pain and discomfort.
What is a treatment like?
Treatments are comfortable and only take ten to fifteen minutes.
How does MyACT help me?
Cells in the targeted area ramp up their metabolic activities, releasing pain-relieving agents and stimulating a natural healing response. It's a healing process that’s turbocharged, making treated areas more resilient to future stresses and strains. It promotes the release of growth factors, aids in the removal of cellular waste, and reduces inflammation, a common culprit behind many pain conditions. MyACT lays the foundation for lasting health and well-being.
Treatment with a MyACT medical device provides instant feedback on areas that need treatment and how well they respond to treatment. There is no guesswork involved, you will know immediately if treatment is working.
Some common conditions that MyACT is ideal for decreasing pain, increasing mobility and rebuilding damaged tissue:
Tendinitis: This condition, characterized by inflamed tendons, can be a nagging source of pain, and decreased motion.
Post-operative Recovery: Surgery, while often necessary, comes with its own set of post-operative challenges. Pain, swelling, and limited mobility can be daunting.
Degenerative Disc Diseases: A serious problem that affects the spine, causing persistent pain and discomfort. MyACT offers a non-invasive approach helping alleviate the debilitating symptoms.
Chronic Back and Neck Pain: For many, persistent back and neck pain is a daily battle, affecting every aspect of life.
MyACT vs. Ultrasound: What’s the Difference?
A common confusion is equating Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT) with traditional ultrasound treatments. While both utilize sound waves, their applications and outcomes are distinctively different.
Ultrasound treatments send high-frequency sound waves into the body, causing soft tissues to vibrate and produce heat.
MyACT, when delivered through the PiezoWave2T system, focuses on compressing damaged tissue and is able to reach tissue much deeper in the body. This compression, when applied at specific depths and intensities, stimulates the body’s natural healing processes without generating heat. The result is a treatment that’s not only unique but also highly effective in addressing a range of musculoskeletal issues.
Treatments that use heat can sometimes cause discomfort. MyACT’s sound energy is non-invasive and gentle. Yet, its impact on the body is profound.
Why Choose MyACT?
Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT) is a wise investment in one’s well-being and can lead to a significant reduction in other healthcare expenses over time. Other treatments might offer temporary relief, but they come with their own set of side effects and costs. MyACT, with its targeted and effective approach, can reduce or even eliminate the need for other treatments and medications, leading to savings both financially and in terms of overall health.
Beyond the tangible benefits, there’s an invaluable aspect to consider: the joy of living a life free from persistent pain and discomfort. The renewed energy, the ability to engage in activities without apprehension, and the sheer happiness of being in control of one’s health are returns on investment that are truly priceless.
Insurance and MyACT: What to Know
Due to its rising popularity and increasing recognition in the medical community, MyACT is gradually making its way into the coverage lists of many insurance providers. This is a testament not only to its effectiveness but also to the growing demand from patients seeking non-invasive, cutting-edge treatments for their ailments.
As with all medical treatments, insurance coverage can vary widely based on the insurance provider and the specific plan. Reaching out to your insurance provider to inquire about coverage specifics is never a bad idea.